“Mr. Folklórico” 

Organización Internacional de Grupos Folklóricos Mexicanos


Our mission: To develop appreciation and pride in the Hispanic art form of Mexican Folklórico Dance, Music and Poetry through a structured curriculum and to teach students dance techniques associated with selected regional dances, their music, lyrics, history  and origins. In addition, students will learn to serve as ambassadors of "The Mexican Culture" in their respective communities by creating awareness through participation in community, school and social events.


Our vision: The vision of Mr. Folklórico is to educate in the “Art of Dance” in a positive way.  This is an opportunity to enrich one’s knowledge and to contribute to the preservation of our dance traditions.   


The spirit of Mr. Folklórico is to instill cultural pride, historical perspective, dance techniques and artistic interpretation of the Mexican Folklórico dance world.


During the past 15 years Mr. Folklórico has explored the necessities of the Mexican cultural movement in Mexico and the United States. With the support of Mexican researchers we continue to compile and organize traditional and cultural dance and music information from most of the states and regions of México.


With the objective to preserve, promote and contribute, Mr. Folklórico wants to emphasize the richness of the Mexican culture and traditions, and to have the opportunity to share this knowledge to enrich the future generations.


We understand the time that students, instructors, school teachers, directors, volunteers and parents involved in the Mexican Folklórico groups invest in educating, preparing and training the future inheritors of the Mexican traditions.


To undertake this great responsibility, Mr. Folklórico will soon launch its new educational programs, which we hope will enhance the knowledge of all those involved in the Mexican traditional dance and will help them develop and improve their talents.


With Mr. Folklórico programs dance students will learn, at their own level, dance techniques from different regions of México, this will include: Footwork, Skirt Work, Stage Presence, Costume Coordination, Dance Origins and History.  


By providing these materials, dance teachers will be able to conduct dance sessions to o re affirm family values, strengthen discipline, build self-esteem, promote teamwork and encourage self-expression through the arts.  


 We look forward to welcoming all of you to be part of Mr. Folklórico !

    Mr. Folklórico
​Organizacion Internacional de                                  Grupos Folkloricos  

Mexico 2000 F.D.S. 2010-2016. All rights reserved. Copyright 2010-2016.



Mr. Folklórico is an organization that seeks to support those, who like us, dedicate their life, energy and capability to Mexican Folklórico Dance.


This organization is dedicated to the memory of Maestro Leopoldo “Polo” Palencia Salas, as a tribute
to a man who immensely love México and its customs, but specially its people; “my brothers” he called them.


The opportunity to live for over 60 years researching the traditions of our México, allowed our beloved and respected Maestro “Polo” Palencia to acquire the sensitivity to understand the specific needs of teachers, directors, students and volunteers whom are already involved or interested in the Mexican folklore education. 


It was Maestro Polo’s dream to facilitate of essential learning materials to supplement and support these activities, which Mr. Folklórico wants to help to come true.


With the same sensitivity Maestro Polo taught his son Leopoldo “Alex” Palencia the same vision: to educate and share the music and dance traditions of México, with the sole purpose of preserving the Mexican Folklore for future generations and to help them through a didactic program, to maintain the essence of Mexico’s and our Mexican identity.


We thank our creator for helping him fulfill this valuable mission on earth.


Mr. Folklórico es una organización que pretende prestar apoyo a aquellos que como nosotros dedican su capacidad, energía y parte de su vida a la Danza Folklórica Mexicana.


Esta organización esta dedicada a la memoria del Maestro Leopoldo “Polo” Palencia Salas, como un
homenaje a un hombre que amo inmensamente a México y sus costumbres pero especialmente a su gente; “mis hermanos” él les llamaba. 


La oportunidad de vivir por mas de 60 años investigando las tradiciones de nuestro México, permitió que el querido y respetado Maestro “Polo” Palencia adquiriera la sensibilidad para entender las necesidades concretas de maestros, directores y voluntariado, que ya se dedican o tienen interés en la enseñanza dancística Mexicana. Y el facilitarles del material didáctico esencial que complemente y apoye la educación de sus estudiantes fue un sueño del maestro Polo y que Mr. Folklórico quiere hacer realidad.


Con esa misma sensibilidad el maestro Polo enseño a su hijo Leopoldo “Alex” Palencia la misma visión: de
educar y compartir para transmitir las tradiciones dancísticas y musicales de México; con la única mira de preservar el folklore Mexicano para las futuras
generaciones; y, por medio de un programa didáctico, ayudar a mantener viva la esencia de México y nuestra identidad como Mexicanos.


Le damos gracias a nuestro creador por haberle ayudado a cumplir tan valiosa misión en la tierra.